What kind of image is this? Is it a found image or created by the ethnographer (or a combination)? What is notable about its composition | scale of attention | aesthetic?


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Shilpa Dahake's picture
March 6, 2020

The image is created by the ethnographer with layer of map juxatposed with headlines of events in the regions. It spatializes the events by showing their locations.

Isabelle Soifer's picture
March 6, 2020
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The photo appears to be made by the ethnographer(s). The contrast between the sufers and the construction workers and their vehicles is extremely interesting and unexpected--one would not necessarily expect to see both in one site. In addition, showing the path the surfers take as opposed to the water itself is an interesting move. There appears to be a sort of tension in the image, even as the surfers appear to signify the calmness of a recreational activity, there is a sense of them being out of place. 

Isabelle Soifer's picture
March 6, 2020
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This is a photo taken by the ethnographer during their fieldwork. What is notable about the photo is the fact that the caption is about fire and its subtly as an indication of toxicity in certain instances--the photo encapsulates this very well, with solely little clouds of smoke visible surrounding the person. Such shows the traces of the fire without being too overt, but which the ethnographer calls our attention to. It captures the unremarkable yet stealthily important fires, the likes of which are slowly disappearing hundreds of hectares of forests, purposefully. The little wisps of smoke conceal more than they reveal about the scale of the situation at hand, allowing for the caption to expand on that which is potentially unclear without some ethnographic work.

Clifton Evers and James Davoll's picture
March 6, 2020

The image is clear. It is a found image (archival). I would love to have seen another image of this poster being held up on-site at the present-day location - a performative image, if you will. However, it is likely that given it is an archival item that would not be possible. 

Sophia Jaworski's picture
March 5, 2020
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This found image is of a part of a methanol chemical plant being transported on a rail car. The image is compelling, as the proportions of the cargo and the infrastructure supporting it do not seem to match. The image almost conveys a sense that the bridge might collapse at any moment, and definitely an affect of unease.

Nadine Tanio's picture
March 5, 2020
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I am uncertain whether this is a found photo or if it was created by the ethnographer. It is a documentary image and striking on many fronts. First, the image captures the large industrial complex in the background and reveals the strategic shrewdness of the protest organizers. It is a protest that occurs from boats on a river which underscores the protestor's point.  The river is not land. The main subject in this image is a older woman. It is unclear if the men behind her, or in the neighboring boat are also participants in the protest by choice, or if they are simply hired to ferry the protesters and are captured in the photograph by chance. 

Nadine Tanio's picture
March 5, 2020
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This is a found image. It includes a photograph as well as source caption and a "trending" box. The photo is the central focus of critical commentary. I notice one woman in the photograph of dozens of male leaders (political and religious??). Most of the men are wearing white. The woman is in a brightly color sari. One man has a turquoise shirt on and another a tumeric and red colored scarf. They are  oriented toward the photography and are gathered around a fire vigorously burning. Most are standing, behind a seated (on the ground) semi-circle of men. Many stand with hands clasped, posing in assumed prayer.

Miriam Waltz's picture
March 5, 2020
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This si a found image. I really like how the image was originally supplied by an industry actor themselves and how it has been repurposed multiple times to critique rather than sell, which it seemed intended to do.

Miriam Waltz's picture
March 5, 2020
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The image is a cominbation of a found image and a created image, but I am unclear as to who created the second image.

Miriam Waltz's picture
March 5, 2020
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The image is from a newspaper article, so it is a found image.
