How does this visualization (including caption) advance ethnographic insight? What message | argument | sentiment | etc. does this visualization communicate or represent?

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Miriam Waltz's picture
March 2, 2020

This picture visualises the opposition, but also the close proximity and inseperabability of the 'natural' river environment and channels of toxic industrial waste. It brings to the centre a storm water drain that may be easily overlooked otherwise.

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Kristin Gupta's picture
February 26, 2020

This image of a storm water outflow underlies the way toxicity travels - a toxic “site” or “place” is never fully static, rippling and flowing in sometimes unexpected ways. National stories on Flint have so often focused on certain imagery (pipes, sinks and bathtubs filled with brown water), so it’s fascinating to see how toxicity in this context constitutes much broader social and ecological ecosystems.


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