Whose natures?: Whose knowledges? An introduction to epistemic politics and eco-ontologies in Latin America

TitleWhose natures?: Whose knowledges? An introduction to epistemic politics and eco-ontologies in Latin America
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsColetta, Michela, Malayna Raftopoulos, Michela Coletta, and Malayna Raftopoulos
PublisherUniversity of London Press
ISBN Number978-1-908857-20-0
AbstractIn early 2014 Ecuador’s National Electoral Council rejected a petition for a national referendum over government plans to allow oil explorations in protected areas of one of the world’s most biodiverse areas - the Yasuní National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon. While activists and campaigners invoked the conservation of nature and the protection of indigenous communities, President Rafael Correa appealed to the need for more revenue to support social welfare plans and poverty reduction. The dilemma between exploiting natural resources on the grounds of socio-economic development and defending environmental rights represents the major challenge that many Latin American countries will
Short TitleWhose natures?