Making a Case for the Black Digital Humanities

TitleMaking a Case for the Black Digital Humanities
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsGallon, Kim, Matthew K. Gold, and Lauren F. Klein
PublisherUniversity of Minnesota Press
ISBN Number978-0-8166-9954-4
AbstractThe dust has yet to settle around the debates over what the digital humanities is or is not. Boundaries and demarcations continue to shift within a complex and ongoing conversation about the intersection of technology with humanistic fields. This context, I would argue, has generated the ideal conditions in which to engage the question of how humanity is framed in the digital humanities. To this end, I seek to articulate a relationship between the digital humanities and Africana/African American/Black studies (from here on I will call the field Black studies) so as to highlight how technology, employed in this underexamined