prerna.srigyan Annotations

What experiences have shaped your interest in and concerns about research data sharing?

Friday, June 3, 2022 - 6:04pm

1) Feeling excluded from research data and publications due to paywalls due to my location; using "pirated" and printed textbooks; relying on an informal publishing economy for my reading and writing needs

2) The strangeness of not comparing fieldnotes in ethnographic data collection and analysis even when people work across thematically and geographically.

3) How early career scholars from geopolitically marginalized fields desire research data sharing even though they are well-aware of their work being stolen and not attributed

4) Questioning the imaginary of data sharing as being free-for-all and open-for-everything (which it often is not for very good reasons)

Creative Commons Licence

What experiences have you had archiving, working with digital tools and designing digital architecture (including websites)?

Friday, June 3, 2022 - 6:04pm

I started archiving how air pollution becomes a public and political environmental problem in India at The Asthma Files. It is through archiving that I met scholars and activists I like working alongside; and whose dedication to shared knowledge commons I share. I am currently archiving material for my PhD dissertation on STS Infrastructures. Except PECE instances, I am an experienced user of Wordpress for building websites, having made websites for the Centre of Urban Ecology and Sustainability at Ambedkar University Delhi.

Creative Commons Licence

What experiences have you had as an ethnographer?

Friday, June 3, 2022 - 6:03pm
I am a collaborative ethnographer with over six years of experience conducting ethnographic in diverse settings, such as environmental health, advocacy, and governance in India; environmental justice education in the US; and STEM pedagogy and education globally.
Creative Commons Licence