Space; place; spatial stories; collaboration

Anthropology in Transit 2020 | Shared Questions

  • MATERIALITIES: How does this panel draw out the material features and infrastructures of place and space?

  • SCALES: How are space and place scaled in this panel? How are bodies cast and

  • ...Read more
Women and the Everyday: Public Space in San Francisco, 1890-1915

"Women and the Everyday City explores the lives of women in turn-of-the-century San Francisco. Working at the nexus of urban history, architectural history, and cultural geography, Jessica Ellen Sewell offers a revealing portrait of both a major American city during its early...Read more

Spatial Stories: Shared Questions

  • MATERIALITIES: How does this text/talk draw out the material features and infrastructures of place and space?

  • SCALES: How are space and place scaled in this text/talk ? How are bodies cast

  • ...Read more
Subscribe to Space; place; spatial stories; collaboration