This page would serve as a landing/starting page for the archives. I've put in some artifacts just to show something, but these would be changed to PECE essays taking readers to various collections and/or topics.  The layout should also change, probably to a combination of 1 and 2 column entries.  I'll duplicate this text just to have it flow down the column further.

This page would serve as a landing/starting page for the archives. I've put in some artifacts just to show something, but these would be changed to PECE essays taking readers to various collections and/or topics.  The layout should also change, probably to a combination of 1 and 2 column entries.  I'll duplicate this text just to have it flow down the column further.

This page would serve as a landing/starting page for the archives. I've put in some artifacts just to show something, but these would be changed to PECE essays taking readers to various collections and/or topics.  The layout should also change, probably to a combination of 1 and 2 column entries.  I'll duplicate this text just to have it flow down the column further.

This page would serve as a landing/starting page for the archives. I've put in some artifacts just to show something, but these would be changed to PECE essays taking readers to various collections and/or topics.  The layout should also change, probably to a combination of 1 and 2 column entries.  I'll duplicate this text just to have it flow down the column further.

humanities as social technology
rice circle ourobouros rattlesnake
participants at SAR meeting