P&C week 6



Stefania Pandolfo, “Clad in Mourning: Violence, Subjugation and the Struggle of the Soul,” Review of Women’s Studies (Birzeit University) 6 (2010). http://iws.birzeit.edu/sites/default/files/2016-10/6th%20issue_%20English.pdf

Buckley, Peter. “OBSERVING THE OTHER: REFLECTIONS ON ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELDWORK.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 42, no. 2 (April 1, 1994): 613–34. https://doi.org/10.1177/000306519404200212.

Luhrmann, Tanya M. “Partial Failure: The Attempt to Deal with Uncertainty in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and in Anthropology.” The Psychoanalytic Quarterly 67, no. 3 (July 1, 1998): 449–73. https://doi.org/10.1080/00332828.1998.12006051.


Spencer, Dimitrina. “Emotions and the Transformative Potential of Fieldwork: Some Implications for Teaching and Learning Anthropology.” Teaching Anthropology 1, no. 2 (2011). https://doi.org/10.22582/ta.v1i2.301.

James Davies (2010), “Introduction,” Emotions in the Field: The Psychology and Anthropology of Fieldwork Experience, ed. James Davies and Dimitrina Spencer, Stanford Univeristy Press, 1-34. https://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/sai/SOSANT4110/h17/pensumliste/davies_emotions-in-the-field.pdf


Cerea, Alessandra. “Culture and Psychism: The Ethnopsychoanalysis of Georges Devereux.” History of Psychiatry 29, no. 3 (September 1, 2018): 297–314. https://doi.org/10.1177/0957154X18782750.

Rivera, Patrick S. “‘Freud’s Speculations in Ethnology’: A Reflection on Anthropology’s Encounter with Psychoanalysis.” The International Journal of Psychoanalysis 98, no. 3 (June 1, 2017): 755–78. https://doi.org/10.1111/1745-8315.12616

Kodre, Lenart. “Psychoanalysis for Anthropology: An Introduction to Lacanian Anthropology.” Anthropological Notebooks 17, no. 1 (March 30, 2011). http://notebooks.drustvo-antropologov.si/Notebooks/article/view/289.