mtebbe Annotations

What would you like PECE to support in your archive beyond its current functionality?

Sunday, June 5, 2022 - 9:03am

Mapping! I'd like to figure out a way to integrate my maps ( and into PECE essays, rather than just linking to them. Ideally they would also be interactive, as they are on ArcGIS StoryMaps.

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What photo essays have or could you develop to visualize and share your material, and as evidence for your narratives and arguments?

Sunday, June 5, 2022 - 9:00am

I really want to run a photovoice project with students in Santa Ana high schools. This lends itself really well to the creation of a photo essay in collaboration with the students, whose transcribed accounts of the photographs would accompany them. These photo essays might be focused on the infrastructure of a particular school, what a student encounters on their daily travels to and from schools, or a hazard that they're familiar with in their neighborhood, among other things.

Creative Commons Licence

What collections will be in this archive?

Sunday, June 5, 2022 - 8:57am

SAUSD Schools - facilities reports, demographic information, oral histories from community members, etc.

SAUSD History

Hazards in Schools

Hazards Around Schools

Creative Commons Licence

What is the archive designed to push against? Are there, for example, patterns of exclusion, inequality and injustice in your problem space that the archive could begin to reorder?

Sunday, June 5, 2022 - 8:56am

Deficit perspectives on low-performing urban school districts--I would like the archive to actively document the strengths of the school district and the things that bring students, teachers, and community members joy.

Also, the exclusion of physical space as an issue in education discourses (and the inequities in environmental hazards that that exclusion brings).

Creative Commons Licence

What social groups and organizations are implicated in and possibly interested in the archive?

Sunday, June 5, 2022 - 8:54am

I see this archive as potentially being of interest to a number of groups:

  • K-12 students in Santa Ana - I hope to involve students in the creation of the archive, pushing them to think of themselves as researchers and archivists. I also think the archive would be relevant to them as a way to think about what issues to prioritize in activism.
  • K-12 students elsewhere - the archive can serve as an example of what it looks like for K-12 students, university-associated researchers, and community members to digitize the collective history of a city/school district and hold officials accountable for remembering that history and addressing past and present discrimination/oppression/exclusion
  • For the same reasons as above, teachers in Santa Ana and elsewhere
  • UCI students - I think it's really important that university students understand the local context in which they go to school beyond the stereotypes of the area. A lot of my work at Penn focused on doing this kind of work with West Philadelphia and I would like to continue that here, framing this archive as a way for students--especially students who are doing research in Santa Ana--to learn about the city
  • School administrators and city council members - the archive could serve as a reminder that people are watching their actions and they must attend to the issues facing Santa Ana that are prioritized by the community
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