mazzara Annotations

Monique Azzara's picture
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What does this text suggest we ask in characterizing ethnographic places?

Sunday, February 23, 2020 - 3:30pm

In characterizing the archive as an ethnographic place, this text asks that we think about not only identifying and recovering silences, but focus on "animating the mysteries of the past." This text asks that we find ways of making these absences visible through visualizations, particularly drawing on digital methods.

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What does this text suggest we ask about the dynamics of toxics and toxic places?

Sunday, February 23, 2020 - 3:00pm

This text suggests we look at absence and silences of the archive, suggesting that we approach these stories through Trouillot'squestions of how silences enter the archive at four critical moments: "The moment of fact creation (the making of sources); the moment of fact assembly (the making of archives); the moment of fact retreival (the making of narratives); and the moment of retrospective significance (the making of history in the final instance" (662). 

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